What is average time individual students receive individual assistance or tutoring each wk.
What is the average time your classes receive computer instruction on the internet each week.
What is the average time your classes receive individual computer instruction each week.
What is the average time your classes receive media presentations (slides, filmstrips, films, TV, sound recordings) each week.
Does your classrooms have a large video display for teaching with media, computers, and internet.
Do you have a fixed curriculum? Do teachers do their own lesson preparation?
Do you individualize instruction with self-paced lessons, computers, tutoring, and/or IEPs.
Instead of asking students to fit the instruction, can you make instruction fit the student?
How do you use computers in instruction? (searches, problem solving, games, projects)
Do you have courseware or OER computer lessons produced by publishers or teachers.
Did you receive funds for tutoring during Covid? What were the results?